The Firm

Studio Romeo was founded by Filippo Romeo, who graduated from the “Luigi Bocconi” University of Milan, Italy, with a Bachelor Degree in Economics of Public Administrations and International Institutions, and is a certified Accountant, regularly enrolled in the Association of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts.


Studio Romeo is based in Milan and stands out from local competitors for its interdisciplinary approach in finding the best solution to the wide range of issues that may be of interest to corporate and private clients, drawing on the professional skills and competences matured by the firm over the years.


Studio Romeo serves clients with offices all across Italy and that specialise in any business sector. Technological innovation, which has made document and information sharing so quick and easy, combined with the availability to meet with clients at their best convenience, whether in our office or at any other location without charging additional costs and every time they need our assistance and consulting services, are just an example of the many elements that characterise the proactive and dynamic approach of the staff working at Studio Romeo.

This approach also includes:

Listening to clients and understanding their needs by paying close and direct attention;

Always acting in the interest of clients as an integral and coordinated part of the corporate strategy;

Ensuring constant and complete availability to clients;

Acting in a timely and accurate manner;

Always thinking in the long term, never in the short term;

Being proactive and communicating in an effective and efficient manner;

Aiming at delivering high quality services;

Being result-oriented;

Ongoing learning and training;

Constantly innovating, without proposing risky solutions;

Recognising and enhancing everyone’s worth and performance;

Abiding by professional ethics;

Taking one’s own responsibility.

These are our distinguishing values and the key points of our modus operandi, which isbased on the effectiveness of the achieved results.




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